Collège Georges Desnos

Collège – La Ferte Bernard

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Dimanche 27 Mai arrivée 15h30 Roissy / TGV 18h46 arrivée gare du Mans 20h26 acheminement de nos hotes en co-voiturage RDV collège La Ferté 21.10

Lundi 28 Mai

08.00-09.00 Welcome and visit of the school salle 40

09.00-11.00 Activities at the market

11.00-12.00 Meeting with 4e Euros correction of activity salle 207

lunch at the canteen

13.30 – 14.30 Meeting with 3e Euros start of presentations salle 205

14.30 – 16.30 lessons at school

18.00 Reception at the CityHall in La Ferté Bernard.

Mardi 29 Mai

08.00 -9.30 Boat trip around La Ferté

10.00-11.00 Tour of the city guided visit by 5C / French students have lessons

11.00-12.00 dance preparation

lunch at the canteen + Romanian Dances presentation to the whole school

13.30 – 16.30 lessons at school

20.00 – 23.00 School show – presentation of Romanian dances to the parents.

Mercredi 30 Mai

Morning: Cooking workshop / common work on presentations about differences and similarities between Romania and France. Salle 40 / 205 / cuisine

Afternoon: with partners families

Jeudi 31 Mai Départ Amboise 07.40

Visite château Royal d’Amboise

Pique nique

Visite Clos Lucé

Retour 18.45

Vendredi 1 Juin

08.00 Correction activities in Amboise salle 207

09.00-11.00 lessons

11.00 – 12.00 work on presentation salle 205

12.00 lunch at the canteen

13.45 presentation of the exchange to collège students

13.30 – 16.00 Games – other activities salle 205

16.00 Farewell drink at the school.

19.00 Farewell Party at Vincent Chanteux’s house

Samedi 2 Juin Day with partners families

Dimanche 3 juin Departure of hosts Rendez vous parking du Collège 06.40 am